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8 Essential Skills For A Registered Nurse To Elevate Your Career

8 Essential Skills For A Registered Nurse To Elevate Your Career

By Editorial Team | Updated On July 17, 2024

Learning new things is important at any stage of life for everyone. People can always try to develop in different areas. A registered nurse is no different. The profession is constantly evolving and growing. Hence, individuals must learn to adjust their sails. They need to be able to swim with the current and be adaptable.

A registered nurse must be willing to acquire several important hard and soft skills. These may be acquired through pursuing the necessary educational qualifications for the role. Candidates can also take the initiative themselves to try and develop these abilities. On-the-job learning plays a critical role too in the process.

What Is A Registered Nurse?

A registered nurse is a licensed medical professional who works with doctors or more senior nurses to help provide healthcare services to patients. They are one of the three three different types of nurses. There are many different kinds of roles they perform and positions they hold. These different positions have varying demands from registered nurses in terms of skills and abilities required.

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Registered Nurse?

Registered nurses need to have a decent range of abilities to excel in the profession. The exact requirements will vary depending on the type of registered nurse position one pursues or works in. However, some skills remain constant for all types of registered nurses.

1. General HealthCare Procedures

They need to be adept at the fundamentals. A lot of the tasks they are assigned are basic but important. Functions like general assessment of patients and taking their vital signs are part of their duties. As are giving injections and providing help with treatments. They need to have a good understanding of medical terminology and assist doctors with performing exams on patients.

By taking on these easier responsibilities, they can allow doctors or higher qualified nurses to focus on the more challenging aspects of treatment. Also, by being around doctors, they can observe how they perform more advanced procedures. This provides a good learning experience and helps prepare them for bigger responsibilities.

2. Interpersonal Abilities

Registered nurses need good people skills. This encompasses many other essential attributes. Individuals need empathy to better relate to the suffering of patients and their families. It helps win the patient’s trust and improves the experience. Teamwork is also a must in any group setting. It helps build synergy in the organization. They must be good communicators to interact well with patients and other medical personnel. It involves both active listening and speaking. Active listening helps us understand patient issues better. It also allows us to follow the instructions of other healthcare professionals more efficiently. Awareness of communication styles in the workplace is crucial to achieving this.

3. Basic Emergency Care

Many registered nurses specialize in these types of healthcare duties. However, even if you are not focusing on this area professionally, it always helps to know the basics. An emergency may arise at any possible time. Hence, it is best to always remain prepared. It does not mean you have to become a specialist, but it is always good to know the basics. Even if these skills are not put to use, it is still good to obtain knowledge and learn more.

4. Patient Transport

Patients who struggle with movement need assistance. Registered nurses often have to help such patients out. To execute this, they need good knowledge of assistive devices. They also have to educate patients on how to use these devices themselves when they are alone. The safety and well-being of patients must always be kept in mind.

Some common assistive devices include crutches, wheelchairs, stretchers, etc. Registered nurses also need to perform tasks like moving hospital beds when necessary. Moving discharged patients to the vehicle or any other kind of help they need is also part of their duties. Apart from this, any type of help with movement that a patient needs within the healthcare facility is provided by nurses.

5. Attention To Detail

All types of registered nurses need to be highly attentive and get all the necessary information before performing treatments. They must be detail-oriented in their approach. This helps them ascertain the best course of action to take next. Each patient is unique. This is why one needs to be careful when recording such information.

By being meticulous, one can reduce the probability of errors. For instance, getting the wrong details may result in the wrong medicines or treatments being prescribed. This can worsen the existing medical condition. It puts the well-being of patients at risk, which is the top priority for all medical staff.

6. Patient Education

Registered Nurses need to teach patients and their families more about their condition and their treatment. This helps win their trust. Self-care tips can also be provided. It will allow individuals to cope better when they are on their own. Families can also better understand how patients are feeling by creating empathy. Patient education may even reduce the odds of them developing the same sickness again. It can improve people’s lifestyles too.

7. Time Management

This is crucial, especially if you specialize in emergency care, as the patient’s life may be at stake. There are tons of patients visiting hospitals daily. Executing processes quickly and effectively can allow more people to get medical attention. For this, good time management and punctuality are crucial. The key is to learn to develop speed without compromising on the quality of work. This takes practice, but it is attainable.

8. Patient Safety

Ensuring that individuals always remain safe during treatment is crucial. This concept goes beyond just medical care and encompasses general safety within any healthcare setting. To implement this, they must take good care of certain aspects of their duties. This will require coordination with other medical professionals too.

Ensuring that the right medications and treatments are prescribed and helping patients perform basic functions safely. With contagious diseases, one must take precautions to make sure they do not spread to other patients. Educating them on how to deal with the illness when they are on their own helps too.

Why You Should Expand Your Registered Nurse Skills And Abilities?

Developing new skills and abilities is crucial in any profession. Registered nurses are no different. On-the-job learning is key to attaining them. Too many individuals think that learning ceases once they obtain their qualifications and enter the job market. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Learning is truly a life-long process. Without having a mindset that is conducive to learning, it is hard to grow as a registered nurse. This applies to any field for that matter.

1. Advancement

Having more knowledge of your field and how your organization functions will help you stand out. It can improve your chances of getting promoted in the future. A willingness to keep learning is crucial to excelling in your profession. Rising to a leadership position is great for one’s career. It enables them to handle bigger responsibilities in the future.

2. Mentorship Opportunities

A mentor is typically a senior professional in a field. They work closely with and guide younger individuals in a similar role. For a registered nurse, this can be a doctor they work under or a more senior nurse. Their main purpose is to help in the professional development of the person they are mentoring. Working closely with your immediate boss or senior can teach you many useful things. Working under the wing of a mentor for long periods of time can greatly help registered nurses.

After one rises to higher positions, they should try to give back by mentoring their juniors. This can help ensure the future of the organization is in safe hands. Educating juniors well will require good communication. They can also share their own experiences with juniors so the younger ones can avoid making the same errors they did.

3. Updating Resume

If an individual leaves a firm either by choice or by being laid off, they can still make use of the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their future organizations. They can also add the new abilities they have developed to their resumes. If the resume doesn’t have space for it, they can write a cover letter and add it there. Knowing how to write an effective resume can help elevate you to new heights as a registered nurse.

4. Better Salary

Being more knowledgeable and skilled can improve your negotiation strength during salary discussions. These situations typically arise during the performance appraisal window or when you are trying to join a new company. This can help one attain greater financial security, provided they spend the money wisely. Individuals can be able to take better care of themselves and their families.

5. Self-Esteem

Expanding your intellectual horizons boosts your confidence levels. Belief in oneself and their abilities is essential for success in any field. A registered nurse who is assured of their skills and abilities can positively influence others around them in the workplace. It can help improve their interactions with patients. Individuals with high self-esteem tend to fit in better with their peers too.

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